Aviv Scientific

Aviv Scientific is a leader in research on age-related cognitive and functional decline and novel applications of hyperbaric medicine to maximize human performance. Aviv focuses on improving the aging process by increasing cognitive and physical performance in healthy aging adults. Based on an exclusive global partnership with the world’s largest Hyperbaric medicine and research facility, the Sagol Center at Shamir Medical Center in Israel, Aviv Scientific is rolling out a global network of medical clinics focused on the enhancement of cognitive and physical performance with hyperbaric medicine and related technologies at its core. Founded in 2017, Aviv Scientific combines personalized medicine, pioneering technologies, big-data and analytics together with unique operational skills to build a worldwide network of cutting-edge medical clinics.

Aviv Scientific’s multidisciplinary team includes physicians, neuropsychologists, neuroscientists, biologists, physiologists, physiotherapists and nutritional specialists who work alongside physicists, data scientists, data architects and artificial intelligence experts. Aviv’s Medical Program was developed by the Aviv medical team led by Shai Efrati, MD, the Chair of Aviv’s Medical Advisory Board, Director of the Sagol Center and the leading researcher in the field of hyperbaric medicine.
The Aviv Medical Program

Aviv Scientific - Leadership

  • Michael Lobel

    Michael Lobel

    Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Lobel

    Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Lobel is one of the four co-founders of Aviv Scientific. Michael grew up in Australia and was educated at the University of Melbourne where he earned a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in computer science. Michael began his career as a commodity futures trader and account executive on Wall Street with Prudential Bache Securities, followed by a 20-year career as a global physical metals trader based in New York City and London. In recent years, Michael has co-founded and invested in a number of technology companies in Israel and the UK, and has been actively involved and led a number of successful exits. Michael’s passion is in identifying business opportunities, developing strategy, securing financing and working with teams to effectively build businesses and create value. Aviv adds a most sought-after dimension to his working life: doing good for humanity while building a successful business.

  • Jonathan Preminger

    Jonathan Preminger

    Chief Innovation Officer

    Jonathan Preminger

    Chief Innovation Officer

    Jonathan Preminger is an investor and entrepreneur in brain-related life sciences and serves as CEO of Aviv Scientific. Jonathan’s career spans two decades working in both small entrepreneurial companies and large public and corporate environments, with a focus on technology and healthcare. A former consultant in the healthcare industry, he has broad international experience, working across multiple geographies. He has held senior management roles with P&L responsibility with corporations in the Americas, Europe and Asia, establishing operations and overseeing marketing, finance, regulatory and operations. Jonathan is also a pioneer in the commercial application of data mining and predictive analytics. He holds his MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, as well as his LLB from Tel Aviv University Law School.

  • Shai Efrati, MD

    Shai Efrati, MD

    Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board

    Shai Efrati, MD

    Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board

    As Co-Founder and Chair of Aviv’s Medical Advisory Board, Dr Efrati contributes a wealth of experience to our work. He is Founder and Director of the world-leading Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center, where he also serves as Director of Research and Development and Head of Nephrology. His research focuses on novel aspects of hyperbaric medicine and brain rehabilitation. Dr Efrati is a professor at the Sackler School of Medicine and the Sagol School of Neuroscience in Tel Aviv University. Since 2008, Dr Efrati has served as Chairman of the Israeli Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. He completed his MD at Ben Gurion University and specialized in internal medicine and nephrology.

  • Amir Hadanny, MD, Ph.D.

    Amir Hadanny, MD, Ph.D.

    Chief Medical Officer
    and Head of Research

    Amir Hadanny, MD, Ph.D.

    Chief Medical Officer
    and Head of Research

    Chief Medical Officer
    and Head of Research Dr Hadanny is a certified neurosurgeon, hyperbaric physician, and Chief Medical Research Officer at the Sagol Center. For the past decade, he has worked alongside Dr Efrati researching neurorehabilitation, neuroplasticity and physiology, publishing more than 25 papers on the effects of HBOT on cognitive and physical performance. Before joining the Sagol Center, Dr Hadanny was Chief Resident in the Galil Medical Center neurosurgery department. He earned his MD from Tel Aviv University and his Ph.D. in Bioinformatics and Machine Learning from Bar Ilan University.

  • Mark Peterson

    Mark Peterson

    VP of Hyperbaric Projects and Operations

    Mark Peterson

    VP of Hyperbaric Projects and Operations

    Mark Peterson is a veteran professional with over 30 years of experience in installation, maintenance and sales of hyperbaric chambers and aerospace physiological training systems. Mark has designed and patented equipment in a number of industries and has written instructional and quality assurance manuals for military and civilian clients, both domestic and international. Mark received his MBA from Heriot Watt University in Edinburg, Scotland.

Global Partnerships

The Brain & Performance Centre partners with some of the world’s most innovative companies to improve the lives of millions of people.

Enhanced performance
starts here