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The Key to Healthy Aging: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy vs Stem Cell Therapy

Medically Reviewed
by Dr. Semer Wang , Physician
September 5, 2023

The transitional time we all experience after retirement age can feel tough, scary, depressing, and isolating. We begin to miss the “good old days” when performing at our peak was easy and rewarding. But please know that there is hope. 

Science has advanced so much over the past decade and has delivered some promising therapies. Two of them have been gaining notable attention: stem cell therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). You may not be very familiar with either one, but they have enhanced human biology over the years. 

Stem cells are one of the most important and impressive parts of the body. Every organ requires them to maintain optimal function and performance. To keep your body functioning, stem cells self-replicate, having “the remarkable potential to renew themselves” although they do so at a much higher rate when you’re young. As you age, stem cells have “restricted self-renewal potential” and gradually lose their self-renewal capabilities.

However, there’s a way to organically increase the number of stem cells in your body for the purpose of healing and healthy aging. We’re not talking about a beauty regime that involves injecting stem cells into body parts for a more youthful appearance. We are talking about something far more effective at reverse aging—using a scientifically-backed hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocol to nurture your body’s own stem cell reproduction in your brain. 

There’s no question — everyone can benefit from having their brain grow more stem cells. This guide lays out all the key facts on how to trigger your body to reproduce its own stem cells in Dubai. The Brain & Performance Centre, a DP World Company, walks you through the key details.

What Are Stem Cells? 

Stem cells are the body’s internal repair system. When our cells go through normal wear and tear, injuries, or diseases, stem cells develop replacements for lost or damaged cells. 

The incredible thing is that stem cells are like 3D printers of the body—they can develop into almost any type of cell in the body, from muscle to brain, and can repair and “recreate functional tissues.” 

Our body is like a machine. In the beginning, when we are young, our machine works well—we have numerous stem cells. But as we age, the ability to do this starts to decline: Stem cells’ “renewal ability deteriorates and their ability to differentiate into the various cell types is altered.”

“As the amount and potency of stem cells start to decline…we start to lose tissue. This is what we call aging.” – Dr. Shai Efrati, MD, Director of Sagol Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research. 

Given the powerful abilities of stem cells, researchers have studied them for decades to discover therapies for aging-associated disorders. 

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Stem cell therapy renews damaged organs, tissues, or bodily functions. It’s an invasive therapy that physicians administer through: 

  • Injecting stem cells into the bloodstream
  • Directly injecting healthy stem cells into a specific area of the body (e.g., the knee)
  • Engraftment—when transplanted stem cells grow in the body and reproduce healthy blood cells

Uses of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell infusions and transplants are used for repairing cells damaged by chemotherapy or certain types of disease. Examples of these conditions include Leukemia and radiation injury. 

Because of the“plasticity [and] self-renewal” abilities in stem cells, researchers note stem cell therapy “could delay or even reverse aging.” However, more studies need to be done to discover a specific stem cell treatment for reverse aging.

Limitations and Dangers of Stem Cell Therapy

Though stem cell therapy has made a lot of progress in health and wellness, there are limitations and potential risks to keep in mind: 

  • First and foremost, quality evidence is limited for the clinical improvements of stem cells therapy for most possible applications on humans.
  • Currently, it is not possible to generate stem cells in large quantities. There isn’t a solution available to “generate large quantities of stem cells” in a laboratory. This makes stem cells difficult to obtain and purify.
  • Stem cell therapy is limited to certain conditions. 
  • Stem cells therapy is an invasive procedure and therefore harbors the hazards of any invasive therapy, such as infections and the risk of significant local and system reactions, which could pose a significant health risk to the recipient. 

While stem cell therapy has made its presence in Dubai, it is still very much in the research phase, which does limit its use as an effective therapy for age reversal.

Is HBOT Stem Cell Therapy?

brain and performance centre

Many people ask this question, but no. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is not stem cell therapy. Rather, HBOT is a method that triggers your body to multiply its own stem cells organically

Here’s how that works:

  • Oxygen is your brain’s superpower. Every bodily function depends on it, including the reproduction of stem cells. 
  • As we age, our bodies are less efficient at channeling oxygen to the areas we need it most (e.g., brain tissue). This is why we “slow down” over time, both mentally and physically. We’ve come to accept this as the norm and assume there’s nothing to be done about it.

Luckily, science says otherwise.

Nobel Prize-winning research reports that hypoxia is a strong stimulator for triggering stem cell proliferation and regeneration processes. These stem cells can enable our brains and bodies to regain their peak performance levels. 

The The Brain & Performance Centre treatment protocol utilizes the hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox in order to gain the benefits of hypoxia without having to expose patients to a true lack of oxygen and the risks involved.

Uses of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

People have historically used hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat a variety of conditions that involve oxygen-starved tissue. These include

  • Wound healing
  • Delayed radiation injuries
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

The promising results of HBOT have prompted many physicians and scientists to dive further into research to identify possible impacts the therapy has on reverse aging and other health areas.

Landmark Research on a Hyperbaric Oxygen Unique Protocol

Founded on decades of research, it’s proven that unique hyperbaric oxygen fluctuations encourage the body to multiply its own stem cells. This specific protocol targets various health and wellness areas, such as: 

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): Studies illustrate HBOT can “induce neuroplasticity”—the brain’s ability to change and adapt. This potential can help repair damaged brain functions for those suffering from challenges after traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Limitations and Dangers of HBOT

  • Not all HBOT administration is the same across clinics. Some use monoplace oxygen chambers, while others use multiplace chambers. Also, the way oxygen is administered is different across clinics as well. For example, most clinics administer oxygen at a steady level rather than use the oxygen fluctuations required to gain the benefits (based on Nobel-prize winning research).
  • HBOT is an elective treatment. HBOT in the context of Healthy Aging is not covered by insurance.
  • Potential side effects due to pressure changes may include ear and sinus discomfort. For some chronic conditions, special considerations may be needed.

The Brain & Performance Centre’s Role in Stem Cell Proliferation

The Brain & Performance Centre prescribes HBOT to activate the body’s regeneration mechanisms — this helps regenerate more stem cells.

Stem cell growth in your brain helps: 

  • Grow new brain matter, increasing both the quantity and quality of healthy cells. 
  • Produce neuroplasticity, improving the quality of nerve fibers in the brain and other organs in the body. 
  • Boost your body’s own ability to heal wounds, including injured tissues resulting from a stroke or traumatic brain event.

These three developments ultimately drive new blood vessels to form, help restore injured tissues, and improve wound healing throughout the body. 

Imagine your aging body feeling far better than it did years ago. Achieving higher cognition levels, improving athletic performance, and finally finding relief from conditions such as traumatic brain injuries, post-concussion syndrome, fibromyalgia and stroke is part of the programme.  

stem cells

How Does it Work?

  1. You enter a technically-advanced room known as an Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT) suite and put on a mask to breathe 100% pure oxygen that is pressurized to above atmospheric levels. This increases oxygen levels in the body up to 20 times higher than normal, sending the boosted oxygen to deprived tissues in the brain and throughout the body.
  1. The Brain & Performance Centre health professionals fluctuate the oxygen levels. These fluctuations trigger stem cells to multiply and new blood vessels to develop. While other clinics typically focus on injecting the body with types of stem cells, The Brain & Performance Centre’s unique protocol fuels the body to reproduce stem cells organically.


  1. Alongside other cognitive, physical, and nutritional training you undergo as a Brain & Performance Centre client, you’ll see significant improvements in your mental and physical performance. Your body’s natural healing and regeneration process will be turbocharged.

You’ll walk into the The Brain & Performance Centre curious and perhaps a little apprehensive. You’ll leave confident and ready to live life to the fullest — no matter your age. Your work, physical activity, and emotional connection with those you love will come easier than it has in years.

Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at The Brain & Performance Centre May Be a Better Alternative to Stem Cell Therapy

stem cells therapy


HBOT offers a safer, scientifically backed and a much more reliable approach to improving cognitive and physical performance (reverse aging), post-stroke rehabilitation, and traumatic brain injury. 

Again, stem cell therapy currently does not have enough high quality data to know if it is an effective reverse aging treatment. 

While stem cell therapy is invasive, HBOT is non-invasive, which means that there is no risk of acquiring infections or other side effects associated with invasive procedures. Individuals breathe in 100% oxygen, usually through a mask, and HBOT triggers the proliferation of your own stem cells.

The natural approach HBOT takes is why so many people have been able to experience long-term, systemic improvements throughout the entire human body. HBOT targets both the brain and body to improve the aging process and quality of life. 

To explain further: 

  • Stem cell therapy is an invasive therapy (stem cells are injected into the body). HBOT is non-invasive. The Brain & Performance Centre’s HBOT process is administered via an oxygen mask in a first class multi-person suite, and the oxygen fluctuations trigger the body’s ability to naturally proliferate its own stem cells. 
  • The Brain & Performance Centres’ HBOT protocol is founded on decades of research and offers a holistic therapeutic approach to target the brain and body, enhancing overall human performance and aging. As far as stem cell therapy is concerned, high quality data is still not sufficient to fully understand the relevance of this treatment. 
  • While the success of stem cell therapy relies on stem cell sources and availability, HBOT at The Brain & Performance Centre relies on the body’s natural ability to repair damaged cells. This offers a safer and more reliable option to boost performance and limit aging in the long run.
  • HBOT at The Brain & Performance Centre is based on peer-reviewed scientific studies.

Learn more about the science of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

3 Conditions The Brain & Performance Centre Can Help Treat with Natural Stem Cell Proliferation

Many systems and functions in the brain and body can be improved when HBOT fluctuations trigger the body’s own ability to proliferate stem cells organically in the brain and other organs. Now we’ll touch on some of the conditions we help treat here in Dubai.

1. Anti-Aging 

Landmark research shows it’s possible to use HBOT for reverse aging at the basic cellular-biological level. Now doctors use HBOT as the scientific “Holy Grail.”

Watch how Dr. Joe Maroon, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre, saw significant results in his physical and cognitive performance after HBOT.

2. Stroke 

When a stroke occurs, part of the brain is cut off from its blood supply and oxygen. That’s when cells begin to die. 

Up to 50% of post-stroke survivors suffer from motor dysfunction (balance, hand control, etc.) and/or brain impairment (memory loss, inability to focus or reason, etc.). 

Fortunately, there is hope for stroke recovery with stem cell production using HBOT and other cognitive and physical therapies. This holistic treatment plan rejuvenates injured brain tissue and helps to restore function. 

Watch the story of Keren Trabelsi (mother and business owner) on how getting treated at The Brain & Performance Centre  after suffering a stroke accelerated the recovery of her physical and cognitive abilities.

3. Brain Injury 

Whether you’ve suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or know a loved one who has, you know how devastating the effects can be. The damage TBI can cause includes restricted blood flow to brain regions and impaired brain tissueA. 

Studies illustrate HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in the brain and repair damaged brain functions, ultimately “improving brain function and quality of life.” 

Watch Linden Perry’s story about using HBOT stem cell production for a brain injury to heal her lingering health conditions after sustaining a concussion as a goalkeeper on her soccer team.

Enhance Your Quality of Life with The Brain & Performance Centre, a DP World Company

The Brain & Performance Centre, a DP World Company is a leader in enhancing physical and cognitive performance for the long term. We utilize highly-advanced HBOT protocols to help your body organically reproduce its own stem cells. 

Whether you want to climb a mountain or simply get on the floor to play with your grandchildren, maintain the ability to perform complex work or have more connecting conversations with your loved ones, there’s help for you here. Be a part of this advanced scientific breakthrough for healing the mind and body from aging, stroke, and brain injury.

For a complete assessment to see if you are qualified for our treatment programme of proliferating stem cells in Dubai, contact us today. 

Schedule a Consultation to Learn More About The Brain & Performance Centre

The unique HBOT protocol at The Brain & Performance Centre is founded on decades of research. If you’re looking to reverse your biological age and naturally proliferate your body’s stem cells, the Dubai team is on your side.  Schedule a consultation with The Brain & Performance Centre to satisfy your curiosity about how hyperbaric oxygen therapy can benefit you!

The Brain & Performance Centre offers world-class care for outstanding patient outcomes and a better quality of life.